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Book Reviews




The Stress Book: 40+ Ways to Manage Stress & Enjoy Your Life










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The Stress Book: Forty-Plus Ways to Manage Stress & Enjoy Your Life

D. Terrence Foster, MD

Global Health & Consortium (2021) ISBN: 978-1737519232

Reviewed by Tammy Ruggles for Reader Views (01/2022)


"The Stress Book: Forty-Plus Ways to Manage Stress & Enjoy Your Life," by D. Terrence Foster, MD, is an easy and practical guide to help alleviate the stress in your life.


Stress is responsible for many physical illnesses and diseases in life, not to mention the feelings of anxiety, doubt, and dread it can cause—even to the point of suicide. But what if you could find a way to prevent getting to the breaking point of stress? Dr. Foster offers solutions in this easy-to-read and understand guide. It will take some adjustment—a new way of thinking, living, behaving—but change can be a good thing, if you have the right kind of tool to help you, like this book. You won't be able to eliminate ALL stress from your life. Stress happens, and happens to everyone. Rather, you will be able to manage and even prevent stress in most situations. As the old saying goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Better to prevent than treat, whenever possible. Using the acronym S.T.R.E.S.S., over 40 ways to reduce stress are contained in this book, and it goes in-depth, but in a way you can understand and incorporate into your daily life.


Foster delivers the perfect book for our stressful times. I like the comprehensive approach he gives his readers, with many takeaways and actionable tips. His points about toxic relationships are also valuable, because so many people seem to be caught up in them today. Other issues he covers include self-defeating behavior, indecisiveness, self-doubt, and more. Being a former social worker, I found his discussion of Abstract Kidnapping Disorder, or A.K.D., to be most interesting. Another positive feature of this book is that you can use it in all aspects of your life, from relationships, to career, to personal care, to community, which can include finances, breakups, grief and bereavement, etc.


The good news is that there is something you can do about stress—more importantly, something you can do to prevent it. Peace is achievable in your life, but you have to take that first step.

Foster offers timeless wisdom, and seems to care deeply about the subject he's writing about, and the people he's writing it for. Stress-less living can be your reality. It can be your new lifestyle.

Add it to your daily life the way you would vitamins or a healthy supplement. If you like the simple, direct approach to stress management and prevention, then you will love "The Stress Book: Forty-Plus Ways to Manage Stress & Enjoy Your Life", by D. Terrence Foster, MD.




Special thanks to everyone who participated in our free/uncompensated, honest, independent, and impartial prepublication review of these books.  I am truly appreciative of the time that you have contributed as well as the excellent constructive comments and reviews that you have provided. You have made these books significantly better than I could by myself alone. Those of you who were unable to participate I do understand and appreciate you as well. Any criticism of these books rests solely on my shoulders and no one else. I am truly grateful to each and every one of you!



The world we live in is full of stress in one form or another (physical, emotional, and financial, etc. ). 

This book is a delightful guide full of important information for everybody who wants to learn how to deal with stress. It's like food for the soul.

It offers practical step-by-step exercises to bring the seed of peace by learning management skills. This outstanding book reflects Dr. Foster's deep wisdom and his desire to help people on the path to a stress-free life.

I strongly recommend this book and believe if everybody reads it, the world will be a more peaceful place full of joy and happiness. Dr. Foster has used acronyms, straightforward terminology, or words in this book to make it easy and simple for the general public. 

Congratulations to Dr. Foster for making an effort to reach everybody through his book for stress-free living 

-Arun Munjal, Board Certified Psychiatrist.


Having spent my career in the field of stress and trauma diagnosis and healing, I fully recognize the completeness of Dr. Foster’s informative and comprehensive volume of stress management action plans.  Take his wise advice and “become the CEO of your life.”  Stress is a normal response to abnormal conditions and is a bio-psycho-social function present in all living organisms. It is clear that Dr. Foster understands how too much of a good thing for too long may become a disorder, as in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  I envision the reader highlighting areas of need and marking passages that could serve to create talking and treatment points to inform any therapeutic advisor. The Stress Book is replete with handy charts, graphs, and chapter summaries, as well as meaningful quotes ranging from Lao Tzu to Dolly Parton. Because Dr. Foster knows one size does not fit all, he puts you in the driver’s seat as you choose from the myriad Stress Solution Support lists for use in your own life.  I won’t be surprised when this book becomes your best bedside friend. It was an honor and pleasure to review and endorse your manuscript."

- Professor Emerita Ann K. Schafer, Ph.D., Neuropsychologist & Author of Four Books.


"Dr. Foster’s body of literary work is a “How-to” manual that teaches not only how to identify stressors in its many disguises but offers roadmap solutions on how to rid ourselves of them and rebuild our lives with positive energy.
The Action Steps on the Physical, Mental, and Community levels provide a network of support that serves as the indispensable Hub supplying the right mix of grace, strength, and drive needed at each level of one’s transformation journey. Dr. Foster book reaches deep into the dark recesses of our minds, shines the light on the things we’ve tried so hard to normalize, then points us to a better way of living – stress-free living!"

- Rev. Dr. Cleveland L. Thomas, ThD. Senior Pastor. Trinity Pentecostal Church of God.

"A Class Above the Rest Because Pain Now Has a Solution. The Stress Book: Forty-plus Ways to Manage Stress is a must-read for anyone who is undergoing stress on a daily basis or believes they are in a state of imbalance and hopelessness due to stress-related issues of life. In over 35 years of practicing as a Mental Health Therapist, rarely have I had the pleasure of reading a book that addresses stress in such a compelling, thought-provoking manner as has been masterfully presented by Dr. D. Terrence Foster; one which appeals to the total person—mind, body, and soul. 
Dr. Foster draws upon his expansive medical experience and offers his readers practical solutions to overcoming stress which, when put into intentional practice, should yield transformative results. Improvement begins with a single step in a positive direction, and that step would be in partaking of the valuable nuggets imparted within these pages."

- Maxwell Sears, MA/LPC/Therapist/cPhD. Caya Counseling Services, Inc.

"It has been my pleasure and privilege to read the manuscript of Dr. Foster’s well written, comprehensive, informative, and easy to read book.  Whether you read it cover to cover, or focus on selected chapters and topics, you will benefit from the many practical suggestions for reducing stress levels."

- Clover Hall, Ed.D., (Retired) Vice President of Institutional Research and Academic Planning, Community Advocate

"As a communication and visual media specialist who’s worked through high-stress situations in Corporate America and on University campuses, I have seen many life-altering examples of how important it is to engage with therapeutic resources to understand how to release ourselves from things that hold us back from our true potential, from our ability to thrive, and from each of us living our best life.  Stress is a barrier that can be alleviated when you find a path toward understanding and communicating what’s holding you back.  Start with Dr. Foster’s Little Stress Book. It is a great resource."

- Dr. Joan V. Golding: Communication and Visual Media Specialist.


In The Stress Book,  Dr, D. T. Foster has expertly navigated the complex and profound realm of one of life's key challenges- Stress. The timely and relevant material presented is quite detailed and compelling, yet an easy read. 

I strongly believe that this body of work will serve readers well and as a result, there will be life-altering outcomes if the practical steps outlined are put into action.

Congratulations Dr. Foster!

-Tanya Mauveen Rennalls, MPA

Former Educator, Entrepreneur, and Advocate for at Risk Children and Teenagers.


"Dr. Foster’s book is an ideal book at present times for stress management in our daily life. Must read; it is practical, inspiring, and can lead to life-changing, positive influences."

- Brij Gulati, MD, Psychiatrist.



The Opioid Epidemic Consumers & Healthcare Guide



"The book is exceptionally comprehensive, addressing issues of importance to both professionals and the public. It is divided into discrete chapters that address important issues related to the management of pain and the opioid crisis. Each chapter includes appropriate references that can also serve as sources of additional information. The book includes a significant number of useful appendices.' 

- John L. Melvin, M.D.,MMSc; Emeritus Professor and Chair, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University. Past president of American Academy of PM&R.


"I have read Dr. Foster’s book and found it to be excellent. It is both factual with clear data but also personal and practical. I think he presents a very balanced review of the topic that has become very political, emotional, and one-sided. Congratulations on this excellent book!"

- Prof. Gerard A. Malanga, M.D. Rutgers School of Medicine, NJ Medical School. Author of four textbooks - Last one 2017: “Regenerative Treatments in Sports and Orthopedic Medicine.” The incoming president of the Interventional Orthopedic Foundation (IOF) in 2019.


"This book is a clearly written, comprehensive examination of an important problem.  Written by an experienced clinician, the book is thorough and thoughtful.  Each chapter is sprinkled with charts and facts yet written in clear, non-technical language that is very readable even with no medical background.  For the health care professional there is a very useful listing of “References, Recommended Readings and Resources” at the end of each chapter.  This book should become a core textbook in every Pain Fellowship.  In fact, in view of the widespread reality of our opioid epidemic, I would recommend this book to every medical student and practicing physician."

- Jacqueline Wertsch, M.D., Professor Emeritus of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Medical College of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


"Dr. Foster has undertaken the monumental task of helping the layman and healthcare professional to understand the opioid epidemic. He succeeds in laying out a systematic analysis of the scope of this multifactorial problem.  Dr. Foster incorporates recent data, historical perspectives and commonly held misconceptions about the causes of the opioid crisis. He effectively exposes the truth, and in the process lays the groundwork for future actions to prevent recurrences. This book is an excellent source of information and education written by a Pain Management physician who lives on the front line of the opioid epidemic."

- Carlos J. Giron M.D. Founder and past president of The Georgia Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (GSIPP). Founder and CEO of the Pain Institute of Georgia, and Macon Pain Center. 


"I found this to be a well-researched, well-written, balanced, data driven comprehensive look at the opioid epidemic. Although I was familiar with many aspects of this problem, I also learned a lot reading through the manuscript. I like the fact that you do not sugarcoat the problem, explode a few myths with the use of statistics, and also make it clear that we "can't throw out the baby with the bath water" and that while we have to seek and implement solutions, there is still a need for prescribing to certain patients. I certainly see the value of the book for healthcare providers as well as the general public and commend you on this accomplishment."

- Dr. Clover Hall, Ed.D. Educator (Retired).    


"This book is informative and relatively easy to read. One of the things I liked most about the book is that although it relies heavily on research and data collected on the subject of opioid treatment and abuse, it does not overwhelm the reader with scientific terms and expressions. Overall, the book is a valuable tool in the war against the opioid epidemic and if it gets in the hands of enough people whose work in the field or have loved ones whose lives have been derailed by the crisis, it should help to save some lives."

- Howard Jackson Jr. Senior Manager, Information and Communications Technology


"I am very impressed. It is well-written and well researched. Thank you for allowing me to review this book. This information is very much needed in the public sphere. I hope you gain a wide readership!”

- Daniel McDevitt, M.D., Peachtree Vascular Specialists, Stockbridge GA. Asst. Clinical Professor, Dept. of Surgery Medical College of GA, Atlanta Medical Center and Emory University Hospital Midtown.


"A must read, and not just for professionals, but for everyone!! Dr. Foster gives an interesting and provocative account of the dynamics of the opioid epidemic on our society. The book is relatable to any reader since the opioid epidemic has touched, or will touch just about everyone, whether family member, friend, co-worker, patient, client.  I found it applicable to my area of practice of child welfare law, and my personal observation on the effect on the elderly as it relates to pain management."

- Hazel Langrin-Robertson, Esq


"I am truly impressed by the thoroughness and details presented. Your first-hand knowledge and experience as a Pain Management Doctor, blended with your compassion for people, your solution and result oriented thinking make this a must read book. To me, it offers perspective relevant to those who legislate as well as offer an opportunity to inform and create awareness and solution amongst socially conscious members of our society."

- Andrea Owen-Boyd:  Financial consultant.


"I have just reached Chapter 15 of the book. I can tell you today, that even if I don’t get to read another page of it, I have found this book to be brilliantly conceived, thoroughly researched and ingeniously presented. It paints a very vivid picture of what I know to be factual. It addresses a very important issue that we face today. It answers questions that we may have now or could have in the future. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of it!"

- Janie B. Pope, RN


"This book is an easy read for anyone who has an interest in acute or chronic pain. This includes health care providers who may be just curious to those who are pain specialist.  Those who are directly or indirectly affected by opioids will find comfort in knowing that you are not alone.  This book allows the reader to have an excelled understanding of the epidemic and more importantly, resources to get help for those in need."  

Santhosh Thomas, DO, MBA, Associate Medical Director, Richard E. Jacobs (REJ) Health Center, Medical Director, Center for Spine Health - REJ Co-Director Medical Spine Fellowship. Cleveland Clinic, Avon, Ohio.


"The author’s intent to bring awareness to consumers was definitely executed if read by consumers, family, friends and healthcare professionals. I strongly believe this book will be beneficial to the other desired target audience “healthcare professionals.” Bringing this epidemic out in the limelight will definitely help these professionals better assist those affected directly or indirectly. Again, awareness is essential for explaining to professionals how to deal with this epidemic. Overall, I found this book very informative and it has opened my eyes to the use of opioids which is often prescribed to myself for my military injuries that are now causing chronic pain."

- Michael Thompson, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired).  US Army


"This is an insightful educational guide to helping the addict, care giver and/or healthcare provider better understand and defeat the opioid crisis.  As a healthcare provider, I have witnessed firsthand the devastation this crisis has caused in families.  It is a privilege and our responsibility to pass this wonderful information on to others who may never pick up a book of any kind to read.  I highly recommend this book to persons from all walks of life in an effort to combat the opioid crisis facing our communities, state and world.  Our communities throughout the world will be a better place because of such a challenging book dedicated to reaching one person at a time saving or changing lives."

- Dottie Borders, MSW, CM. Medical Social Worker


"As a mid-level provider practicing in the field of pain management, the detailed information and data Dr. Foster provides regarding the current opioid epidemic we’re facing is both eye-opening and insightful.  All of the given data is not only credible, but will henceforth alter my approach to managing pain. Congratulations on such a wonderful accomplishment."

- Chantel Lee, Physician Assistant. 


"In this masterful work, Dr. Foster takes us on a comprehensive analysis of the American opioid crisis. It is well organized, presented by the history of the crisis with the involvement of the pharmaceutical industry, the doctors, policies, and other healthcare providers, all having an impact on the current opioid epidemic. It is very informative. It is a great resource for practicing providers.  Strongly recommend this book for all providers involved in pain management."

- Angella Green, FNP, Keizer Family Medicine, Salem, Oregon.


"My overall impression is that this is a well-researched, balanced and broadly applicable treatment of the subject matter. I am particularly impressed by its conversational tone and clear appeal to the entire spectrum of stakeholders. It is a work whose time has well and truly come and I feel confident that it will do well. Impressive work Dr. Foster."

- Dr. Brian James, BSc, MBBS, DA, FRCA Anaesthetist, Bustamante Hospital for Children. Bustamante Hospital Operating Theatre Users Committee Chairman. Kingston, Jamaica W.I


Foster's Opioid Classification Addiction Status (FOCAS) Guide


"This is an easy-to-use guide for individuals in the healthcare profession to determine opioid users status and treatment options."

- Michael Thompson

Global Health & Consortium 

P.O. BOX 824, Morrow, GA 30260


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